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317-531-5447 DUI & OWI Bail Bonds

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DUI & OWI Bail Bonds
Bail Bondsman

In the United States, DUI and OWI arrests are the most popular yearly arrests. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that there are 1.5 million people who are arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In most of these cases, when someone is arrested for a DUI or OWI, they are required to obtain a bail bondsman to be released from jail. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism states that 17.4 million males and 12.2 females deal with alcohol disorders. Alcohol is a national pandemic in the United States of America. Smith American Bail Bonds provides bail bondsman services for the city of Indianapolis and the state of Indiana for those incarcerated for DUI or OWI. DUI and OWI are very dangerous and, in many cases, result in serious bodily injury or death.


What is the difference between DUI and OWI?

Most people don’t think that DUI and OWI are the same thing, but in fact, they are different. A DUI is driving under the influence. In most of these incidents, the substance is alcohol. OWI is driving under the influence of some drug or narcotic drug. To determine if someone is under the influence of alcohol or a narcotic drug, local law enforcement will conduct some tests to determine if it's alcohol or a narcotic drug. In some cases, the test can result in a blood test.

What happens when you have been pulled over for suspicion of a DUI or OWI and have gotten arrested?

When someone has been pulled over for suspicion of DUI or OWI, driving erratically, swerving, speeding, driving too slowly, or riding the lines, it probably sparked suspicion for local law enforcement. When an officer has pulled you over for this suspicion, they are looking for red and glossy eyes, slurred speech, jittery eyes, smell, sight, meaning any plain view of alcohol or any narcotic drugs. Sight and smell are the senses of law enforcement. More than likely, if someone shows any signs of being under the influence or any sight of alcohol or narcotic drugs, the officer has probable cause and will request for the individual to exit the vehicle to conduct a breath test or field sobriety test. If the individual fails the test or refuses to do the test, the officer will read the individual Indiana Implied consent warning.


What is the Implied Consent law?

Indiana code Code 9-30-6 Implied consent law states that anyone who operates a motor vehicle gives consent to submit to a chemical test if law enforcement has any probable cause that the individual has been driving under the influence. The test consists of breath, blood, urine, or other bodily substances.

Bail Bonds


What is a refusal to submit to a chemical test?

In Indiana, a refusal means that any individual who refuses to take any test related to the Implied consent law can be automatically suspended from the BMV for one year.

Types of DUI and OWI charges

In the state of Indiana, if your alcohol BAC level is 0.08%, you are considered driving under the influence. You should also know that anyone who operates any vehicle with an alcohol level of 0.015 has committed a class A misdemeanor. You will be charged with a level 6 felony if you drive impaired with at least one minor in the vehicle, if you have a prior DUI/OWI within five years, or if you cause severe injury or death to a person or a law enforcement officer. You can serve 2.5 years and pay a $10,000.00 fine for a level 6 felony DUI or OWI. In the state of Indiana, you will face a level 5 Felony DUI or OWI if you caused death in a previous conviction, causing severe bodily injury or death within five years. A level 5 felony DUI and OWI can result in six years of imprisonment and up to a $10,000.00 fine. In the state of Indiana you will face a level 4 felony DUI and OWI if you had a prior DUI or OWI within the past ten years, suspended licensed for prior DUI or a habitual traffic offender, blood alcohol content of 0.15% or more. The penalty of a level 4 felony DUI or OWI is ten years and a fine of up to %10,000.00.


Who to call if you got arrested for DUI or OWI

DUI and OWI offenses and arrest can be the most challenging, stressful situations for families because not only does the family have to bail their loved one out, but more than likely, in most cases, that family member that got arrested for DUI or OWI is battling some addiction and needs to be treated for their addiction, or they will be consistently in and out incarceration. Smith American Bail Bonds provides Indiana bail bondsman services for these cases and provides 24-hour bail bonding services. Smith American Bail Bonds believes that anyone can change in due time. At the same time, Smith American Bail Bonds understands that not everyone deals with alcoholism but makes a lousy choice. Smith American Bail Bonds takes pride in assisting people and families who need assistance with DUI and OWI bail bonds. Smith American Bail Bonds is the most reputable bail bonding agency in Indiana. If you need bail bonding assistance for DUI and OWI bail bonds, call 317-531-5447

Who to call for alcoholism prevention

Smith American Bail Bonds understands that life brings many challenges. You may be battling addiction and want some help. Recognizing that you have an addiction problem is a big step. For immediate assistance, you can call 988 Suicide and Crisis Life Line, and they are available 24/7.


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